Each week during market days, the Pokot women and young girls walk miles and mile s to the market to sell milk and other things, and in turn buy food for their husband and children. They are the victim of harsh cultural norm that has taken root In most part of Kenya.The unselfish love for their children and the leniency to their husbands drives them to sacrifice a lot in order to adapt well in their community. The women cherish their own effort and give love without expecting anything from their husbands. To them, love is not reciprocal, and therefore loves without selfish ambitions. WMK believes that the Pokot women can act as good disciples and can help spread the word of God. WMK seeks to give first opportunity to the Pokot women by offering free DTS  scholarship to selected and pre – interviewed Pokot women who will undergo the three moths DTS. We plan to put up a special class for the women separated from the men to avoid a cultural clash.  WMK will thereafter involve the women graduates in door to door evangelism and the village bible story telling.

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