In order to accomplish our vision, WMK must be a unique kind or organization- the kind of organization that God can use to make a difference in Pokot.  Our seven core values are our guiding principles; they ensure that everything we do is aligned with our vision.

1) Relationships
WMK believes nothing can be achieved without first building relationships. We are committed to working hand in hand with Pokot, learning and sharing in their experiences, loving them and trying to fit in their lives.  By doing this, we want to gain the confidence and trust of the people, to build a long lasting relationship. We get our inspiration from Jesus and aim to imitate him always.

2) Service (Acts 20:35, Philipians 2:1-4, Colossians 3:17)
We value service.  God’s design is that we be a blessing to one another and the world around us. As we serve others we become a part of what God is doing in the world, and we come to understand the grace and the mercy of God in our lives.

3) Partnership.
We value our partner’s willingness and loyalty to commit. We are focused to help this partnership and mutual understanding grow.

4) Teaching (Matthew 28: 19-20)
We believe in the great commission. We want to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming Christ to the people in Pokot.

5) Discipleship
God’s design is that we become like Christ. We enter into relationships where we learn from others, become accountable in our weaknesses, and grow in Christian character.
6) Love
To foster relationships with the people, we believe that there must always be a genuine interest at heart for the people we are reaching to. Many problems in conflicted relationships involve power struggles, people feeling excluded and the absent of

brotherly infection. These problems are remedied by the expression of both agape and phileo love. WMK believes where there is genuine love, both parties enjoy submitting one to the other

7) Fellowship
An important part of worship is the fellowship of the people of God gathered. Fellowship is about connecting with one another. It’s about living life, having fun, enjoying what God is doing in our lives, and growing together no matter what life throws at us. The truth is we need one another. We desire to develop a sense of community where all feel welcomed.

We believe God created the heavens and earth and man. Without him, we would not exist. He is the beginning and the end,

the Alpha and Omega.

Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. We believe he died on the cross to save us. Through HIM we were reconciled back to God.

Holy Spirit

We belive the Holy Spirit is in every believer.  He is our advocate. 

The Bible
The bible is the sole basis of our beliefs. We believe the scriptures are inspired by God and able to equip for acts of service.

The Church
We believe the church represents the authority of God in earth. We believe the church exits to show direction to those who are lost. We believe in salvation, as a way of expanding God’s kingdom.

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