The Pokot culture is set up in a way that encourages a strong adherence to its tradition. Pokot people are generally friendly and hospitable. However, without empowerment it is difficult for them to leave their traditions and shift the loyalty to Jesus.

In areas where churches are coming up like in Nyangaita, Kamanau, and Kakleshon and in many others it can be observed that mostly women and children (especially girls) attend the services. It is very uncommon to find men in a congregation – generally’ there is a tendency to follow culture and traditions when a conflict occurs between culture and Christian teaching. It also seems that men find it difficult to work together in cooperation and in mutual submission for an extended time. These plus many others contribute to a more fractured social structure that needs wisdom and guidance from the Lord.

Women and children tend to stay in one place. The young warriors move with the animals in search for pasture. The adult man attends with other men to discuss communal issues etc. Following the Great Commission (Mathew 28:19), We envision the mini DTS as an environment where we can help one another in maturing in our walk with Jesus. We want to bring the Pokot children, men and women to Christ and help them grow as disciples of Jesus.

The traditional of the Pokot is one of the African traditional religion. Despite that, recent years have seen the first growth of a variety of Christian churches starting in the small towns, but beginning to penetrate into more rural areas. Despite all that, the workers are still few and this has led to many churches closing up due to irregular attendance. The DTS is therefore important because many workers will be sent to spread the word of God and win souls for Christ. The mini DTS will run for three months and will have two phases: one phase of class room training that will run for two months and one phase of outreach (field work) that will run for one month. The mission of the school is ``to empower the community with full knowledge of Christ love and his redemption for our sins. ``
By knowing Christ, the Pokot will be able to understand the love of God (John 3:16) They will learn that they cannot do without God and that through the cross, Jesus paid for their price of sin. In training, there will be a special topic on SIN taught by qualified and spirit filled teachers to help them understand what SIN is and the consequences of not following God`s commandments. The qualified students will also have an opportunity to go out and serve in different churches or to go and plant their own. WMK Seeks to help expand the kingdom of God in the earth by equipping men and women with knowledge about the father ,baptizing them and working together as a team for a common goal. Currently WMK seeks financial assistance to help in the programme. The three month DTS course requires 200 USD per student to complete. The fees will cover tuition, food, administration and outreach. WMK also needs funds to start the building of traditional classes that can accommodate at least fifty students per session. We will also need facilities eg computers, desks and office furniture to kickstart our programme. To help in anyway, please contact the programmes for more details or for direction on how you can get involved.

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